2017 Salina Eco-Meet Result

The 2017 Salina Eco-Meet was held on Thursday, September 28.

11 teams made up of 42 students from 7 schools competed.

Winning Teams:

1st Place: Salina Central High School

L-R: Reagan Stein, Katrianna Davis, Avery Darby, and Erin Flax. (Coach Susan Gaskill not pictured.)

2nd Place: Tescott High School Team A

L-R: Danni Ehlers, Remington Peterson, Logan Srna, and Brayden Peterson. (Coach Jeff Mick not pictured.)

3rd Place: Tescott High School Team B

L-R: Zach Perry, Cody Flax, Kylie Flax, and Alexis Wheeler. (Coach Jeff Mick not pictured.)

Focus Area Winners – Reptiles & Amphibians:

1st Place: Bergen, Rock Hills High School


2nd Place: Gavin Jones, Salina South High School

Gavin Jones received a year-long membership to the Kansas Herpetological Society.

Focus Area Winners – Tallgrass Prairie:

1st Place: Gavin Jones, Salina South High School

Gavin Jones received a year-long membership to the Kansas Herpetological Society.

2nd Place: Morgan Linenberger, Ell Saline High School

Morgan Linenberger

The Salina Eco-Meet was hosted by Lakewood Park Discovery Center.

For information about the Salina Eco-Meet, contact Bill Gaskill or Brian Underwood or call (785)826-7335.

Did you win scholarship money at an Eco-Meet?

To claim your winnings, visit this page and download the form for the event for more information.